Thursday, October 11, 2012

Presentation on Printers by students of class 9 TEDDS

For the polishing of students hidden abilities the TRUST SCHOOL AAMIR TOWN LAHORE                conducting presentations from students. These presentations are based on their currently going topics of their syllabus. Students prepared the slides or transparencies with the help of their subject teacher and then present it in front of their Headmaster, Deputy Headmaster, HOD and the rest of class.
Following is a presentation on Printers which has presented by some of my computer students.  

Saturday, February 25, 2012

How to use special characters in folder?

  1. Create a new folder or simply rename your folder.
  2. Type in rename mode alt+ any combination of numeric keys to make special characters (e.g. alt+36. It will make $ sign in folder name) and then press enter.

How to make Invisible folder?

How to make Invisible folder?
  1. Create a new folder or simply rename your folder.
  2. Type in rename mode alt+255 and then press enter.
  3. Folder with no name will create.
  4. Now right click on folder>>properties>>customize tab
  5. In customize tab click on change icon.
  6. Scroll to right side here you will see a blank folder option.
  7. Select the blank option click ok and then apply.
  8. Your invisible folder has been created.
Note: you could see your invisible folder by select all the folders in range. Invisible folder will show in highlighted form.

How to make folder without name?

  1. Create a new folder or simply rename your folder.
  2. Type in rename mode alt+255 and then press enter.
  3. Folder with no name will create.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Modes of GW-BASIC Operation

GW-BASIC can operate in two modes.
1-Direct mode: When GW-BASIC is loaded, it shows OK message, it is in Direct Mode. In this mode GW-BASIC commands are executed as they are typed. Results are displayed immediately but the commands themselves are lost after execution.

2- Indirect Mode: The Indirect mode is used to type the programs. The program loaded in memory is executed by entering RUN command.

A program to show behavior of comma(,) and semicolon( ;)

Solution CH#2#10(b) ( PTB Book):

Write a program to calculate total marks and percentage of a student.

Solution CH#2#10(a)_ ( PTB Book):

Write a program to calculate sum of ten values using read/data statement.

Solution CH#2#9 ( PTB Book):

Write a program to calculate distance cover by a car.

Solution CH#1Q#10 ( PTB Book)
In BTP book this questions ask about algorithm so its algorithm is simple just write all this program excluding line numbers. Instead to write line numbers just write 1,2,3....

Write a program to calculate the area of circle.

Solution CH#1Q#9 ( PTB Book)

Friday, January 27, 2012

To Execute the Program

The program must be loaded into RAM before execution for the adopt following steps.
1-     Press the F3 key or type LOAD command.
2-     Type the name of the existing file in quotes.
3-     Pres s ENTER key.
4-     The file will be loaded.
5-     Press F2 key or type RUN command and the program will be executed.

To Load Program

We can load a saved program by following these steps.
i-                   Press the F3 key or type LOAD command.
ii-                 Type the name of the existing file in quotes.
iii-               Press ENTER key.
iv-                The file will be loaded.

Create and Save the Program

The GW-BASIC program is a file that contains instructions for computer. In GW-BASIC program lines have this format” Line# statement (s)”
Line#  is an unsigned integer in the range from 0 to 65529 .A line cannot have more than 255 characters.
Statement (s) is any valid GW-BASIC statement .There can be more than one statement in a line. Each statement must be separated by colon sign ( : ).
To save program :
We can save program by using this procedure.
i-                   Press the F4 key or type SAVE command.
ii-                 Type a valid name (in quotes) for the program and press ENTER key and program will be save.

Rules for Naming a Variable

1-     A Variable name cannot be more than 40 characters.
2-     The name of Variable may contain alphabets (both lower case and upper case) numbers and decimal points.
3-     The first character in name of Variable must be an Alphabet.
4-     Key /Reserved words of BASIC cannot be used as Variables.
5-     Blank space is not allowed in names of Variables.
6-     Last character of variable name should indicate the type of variable.


In GW-BASIV Variables are the names of Memory Cells which are used to store program’s input data and its computational results during the execution of program.
Every Variable used in BASIC must have a name. There are some rules for naming a Variable.

Character Set of BASIC

The following are the characters valid for GW-BASIC

Equal sign or assignment symbol
Plus sign or string concatenation
minus sign
Asterisk or multiplication symbol
Slash or division symbol
Carter, exponentiation symbol, or CTRL key
Left parenthesis
Right parenthesis
Percentage or integer declaration
Number sign or double precision declaration

Exclamation point or single precision declaration
Left bracket
Right bracket
Double quotation marks or string delimiter
Period ,dot or decimal point
Single quotation mark, apostrophe, or remark indicator
Semi colon or carriage return suppressor
Colon or line statement delimiter
Ampersand or descriptor for hexadecimal and octal number
Question mark
Less than symbol
Greater than symbol
Backslash or integer division symbol
“At” sign
Deletes last character typed
Erases the current line from the screen
Moves print position to next tab stop. Tab stops are every eight columns.
Terminates input to a line and moves cursor to beginning of the next line ,or executes  statement in direct mode.

Reserved /KEY Words in BASIC

In BASIC there are some reserved or Key words  which have predefined uses and cannot be used for any other purpose. These words cannot be used as variable names. some Key words are IF, ELSE, THEN, WHILE.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Writing Programs in GW-BASIC

GW-BASIC provides a IDE (Integrated Development Environment ) where we can write ,edit, save ,load and execute  BASIC programs.

As you could see in above picture that there are some options at bottom of the picture that are F1 List, F2 Run, F3 Load,  F4 Save,  F5 Cont, F6 LPT1, F7 TRON, F8 TROFF,  F9 KEY AND F10 SCREEN.
Displays the program listing from RAM
Execute the program if available
Read a program in to RAM from Disk
Write a program from RAM to disk
Continues program after STOP command
Send the out put to the Printer
Displays each line number when program is running
Shuts off the TRON function
Used with different Key functions.
SCREEN 0,0,0
Changes the screen with default settings.